Join Corvettes of Buffalo
Membership Information
Prospective Members
As a growing club we welcome new members with great enthusiasm. Fresh ideas are essential to a clubs success and we hope you continue to share our success in the future.
The purpose of our club is to promote and enjoy our Corvettes through car related activities. Our club meets on the second Saturday of the month at the
First Presbyterian Church
9675 Main St.
Clarence, NY
Meeting start at 7 pm
Yearly dues are $50 per person or $75 per couple.
Membership in the Nation Council of Corvette Clubs NCCC is required and is incorporated in the yearly dues.
As a prospective member, you are invited to participate in all club activities! We hold various types of activities to meet all our members’ interests (Cruises, tech nights, car shows, overnight excursions, Christmas Brunch, racing, etc). Our aim is to have fun and enjoy our common interest- THE CORVETTE.
As a prospective member, the following requirements must be completed in order to become a full member of Corvettes of Buffalo.
You must attend two meetings. Some activities may count as one of these meetings.
You must submit an article to be put in the newsletter. Don’t panic! This can be as short as a paragraph. You can talk about your car, why you’re joining the club, or about a related event.
Upon becoming a new member, you will receive our COB Membership packet. You will then have voting rights and have the right to hold office or a Board position. You will receive your membership card when your dues have been paid.
We hope this overview will give you an idea of what Corvettes of Buffalo is about. It is a place to have fun, meet new people and form lasting friendships. It is a place to share our enthusiasm for the bond that brought us all together – THE CORVETTE
Thank you for your interest in Corvettes of Buffalo! We hope you’ll be one of our newest members!
“Save the Wave”
The Membership Committee
Contact the club for more information at